Socioeconomic Determinants of Long-term Disability Outcomes in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients
Maral Sakayan1, Aaron Thomas1, Michael Lopez1, Areg Grigorian2, Spencer James1, Saef Izzy3, Patrick Chen1
1Neurology Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion (NTBIC) Program, Department of Neurology, 2Division of Trauma, Department of Surgery, UC Irvine Medical Center, 3Department of Neurology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School

To examine the influence of socioeconomic factors (SEF) defined by sex, college education, non-white race, insurance status and median area income, on self-reported disability in TBI-clinic patients.


SEF (e.g. race, insurance status) negatively influence mortality and short-term morbidity. However, the influence of SEF, particularly the community context, on long-term disability outcomes post-TBI remains underexplored.


Retrospective cohort study of TBI-clinic visits in UCI-NTBIC database (9/2022-9/2023). Inclusion criteria: ≥18yo, self-reported TBI history with known mechanism and reported neurologic symptom(s), completed SEF data. Disability defined as modified-Rankin-scale ≥2. Median area income determined from 2020 US Census data using patient’s home zip code. Descriptive statistics (Mann-Whitney/Fischer-test) and multivariable logistic-regression performed.


Of 66 patients evaluated (median-age 50, 41% women, 47% non-white, 73% college-educated, 21% uninsured/Medicaid, 78% mild TBI), 56% were disabled. There was no significant difference between disabled vs non-disabled patients with regard to age, sex, college educated level, non-white-race, insurance status on univariate analysis (all p>0.05). Median area income was significantly lower in those disabled (median [IQR], $90,147 [$78,046-$107,444.25]) vs. non-disabled (median [IQR], $116,283.50 [$97,469 - $133,088]). After adjusting for SEF, TBI type and time to clinic visit, median area income predicted disability (p = .003). For every $10,000 increase in median area income, odds of disability decreased by 34% (OR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.49 - 0.85; p = .003).


In our small predominantly mild-TBI clinic cohort, lower median area income was associated with reported-disability, regardless of other SEF and TBI severity. The findings propose a compelling basis for augmenting socioeconomic support structures in lower income areas, which might contribute to ameliorating long-term disability outcomes for TBI survivors. Future studies will expand sample size, include controls and explore regional-community-level (e.g. area-deprivation-index, social-network) features.
