Status Epilepticus Mimic: Severe Encephalopathy and Abnormal Movements Associated with Kratom Toxicity
Connor Bluntson1, Jordan Cothern1, Mary Willis1
1University of Mississippi Medical Center
To describe a case of recurrent encephalopathy and abnormal movements associated with chronic kratom use. 
Kratom is an herbal substance which acts on mu-opioid receptors to produce opioid and stimulant-like effects. Originating in Southeast Asia, kratom use has increased in the United States over recent years. Case reports have established that kratom is associated with neurologic toxicity, including seizure and coma. We describe a case of recurrent severe encephalopathy and abnormal movements initially thought to be status epilepticus in a chronic user of kratom. 
Case report

A 42-year-old man with a history of traumatic brain injury and Krabbe disease carrier status arrived at our hospital intubated and sedated on propofol and midazolam infusions for presumed status epilepticus. Family reported several days of intermittent convulsion and involuntary movements. Continuous EEG revealed frontal intermittent rhythmic delta activity without epileptiform discharges or seizures. MRI brain showed minor gliosis of the left inferior frontal lobe. Routine labs including toxicology screens were normal. After extubation, he was agitated and impulsive. He left the hospital against medical advice when this spontaneously resolved. 

He returned with encephalopathy and abnormal movements two weeks later. On examination, he was lethargic and had asynchronous brief losses of postural tone of the bilateral upper extremities. Continuous EEG revealed generalized periodic discharges of triphasic morphology. Urinalysis, urine drug screen, and autoimmune encephalopathy panel were unrevealing. On day 3, his mentation returned to baseline. He reported kratom use for the last year combined with the recent addition of a supplement for restless legs. He was counseled on drug cessation and discharged in stable condition.  

Kratom use has been associated with provoked seizures, agitation, and other neurologic sequelae. Because kratom is not detectable on standard urine drug screening, it is necessary for clinicians to inquire about use in cases of encephalopathy without identified etiology. 