Focal White Matter Damage in Individuals with Cognitive Impairment After COVID-19
Lindsay McAlpine1, Allison Nelson1, Jennifer Chiarella1, Cheryl Lacadie1, Shelli Farhadian1, Todd Constable1, Serena Spudich1
1Yale University
We report preliminary analyses of MRI measurements of white matter integrity in individuals with and without cognitive neuropsychiatric post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (N-PASC).
Cognitive impairment is a common symptom of N-PASC and little is known about the underlying mechanism. It is characterized by deficits in executive functioning, processing speed, motor speed, attention, recall, and verbal fluency.
Participants with N-PASC (self-reported cognitive impairment >3 months after COVID-19) and controls with prior COVID without PASC underwent MR Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) to assess white matter integrity (fractional anisotropy (FA); mean diffusivity (MD)). All imaging was performed on a Siemens 3T MRI scanner and a standard DTI sequence was used. Post-processing used BioImage Suite to generate data on 48 white matter tracts and group comparisons used non-parametric statistics.
14 participants with N-PASC (median age 43 [IQR 37 – 55], 79% female, median 450 days after COVID-19 [IQR 354 – 694]) and 6 controls (median age 34 [30 – 40], 67% female) underwent MRI. The groups did not differ in age, gender, or race. FA was lower in N-PASC compared to controls (C) in the corpus body (N-PASC: median of 0.61 and C: 0.64; p = 0.057) and MD was lower in the left posterior corona radiata (N-PASC: median of 0.0007 and C: 0.0008; p=0.04). A trend of lower FA was identified in corpus genu (N-PASC: median of 0.60 and C: 0.63; p = 0.11) and left stria terminalis/fornix (N-PASC: median of 0.50 and C: 0.53; p = 0.09). There was no difference between groups in the remaining tracts.
We report preliminary evidence of focal damage to the corpus callosum and corona radiata in N-PASC. Damage to these tracts may play a role by affecting processing speed and communication between hemispheres. We look forward to collecting additional data to investigate the mechanism further.