Isolated Optic Neuritis: Etiology, Characteristics, and Outcomes in a Large Single-center Cohort
Yoji Hoshina1, Meagan Seay2, Ka-Ho Wong1, Sravanthi Vegunta2, Melissa Wright1, Tammy Smith1, Stacey Clardy1
1University of Utah Health, 2University of Utah Moran Eye Center
To assess the demographic, clinical, and outcome data in patients with isolated optic neuritis (ON) across a large pediatric and adult cohort.
The association of ON with aquaporin-4 (AQP4) and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) antibodies has led to improved diagnosis and treatment. However, autoantibody-negative ON remains common.
A retrospective chart review of University of Utah and Primary Children’s Hospital patients with diagnosis codes ICD-9 377.30 (optic neuritis unspecified), ICD9 377.39 (other optic neuritis), or ICD-10 H46 (optic neuritis) and at least 2 ophthalmologic evaluations between February 2011 and July 2023 was conducted. Only isolated ON without other brain or spinal demyelinating lesions were evaluated. 
Of 111 patients (19 children, 92 adults), 9/106 (8.5% with testing) were AQP4-IgG positive, and 35/96 (36.5% with testing) were MOG-IgG positive. Sixty-seven had other-ON of which 2 were ultimately diagnosed with recurrent isolated ON (RION), 2 with chronic relapsing inflammatory ON (CRION), 2 with multiple sclerosis, 1 with collapsing response-mediator protein-5-ON, and 1 with seronegative neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder, during a median follow-up of 15 months. Five of them started long-term immunosuppressive therapy. No RION or CRION had preceding infections; they had the first recurrence of ON within 3 months. At presentation, AQP4-ON (75%) and MOG-ON (48.8%) had more severe vision loss (<20/200) compared to other-ON (23.6%) (P<0.01.) At the last follow-up, AQP4-ON (25%) had more severe visual (<20/200) acuity compared to MOG-ON (0%) and other-ON (1.4%) (P<0.01). Pediatric cases compared to adults frequently had bilateral ON (36.8% vs. 16.3%, P=0.04), preceding infection (47.4% vs. 20.7%, P=0.01), and disc edema (100% vs. 64%, P<0.01).  

Despite recent advances in testing availability for AQP4-IgG and MOG-IgG, over half of the patients with isolated ON remained negative for autoantibodies.  Recognizing the clinical features associated with isolated ON may help improve prognosis and treatment.
